Community Health

Health Facts

What is Food Insecurity?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life.  Extensive research has revealed that food insecurity is a complex problem. Food insecurity does not exist in isolation, as low-income families are affected by multiple overlapping issues such as lack of affordable housing, social isolation, chronic or acute health problems, high medical costs, and low wages. Together, these issues are important social determinants of health. Effective responses to food insecurity must address the overlapping challenges posed by the social determinants of health.

Who does Food Insecurity Affect?

Food insecurity exists in every community of the United States and can be experienced by anyone.  Although there is no one face, some population groups have historically been more vulnerable to food insecurity than others.

Food Insecurity picture in DuPage County

Impact DuPage provides a community health dashboard where you can learn about your community’s health and wellness compared to state averages, county values, and target goals.

The Food Insecurity Index is a measure of food access correlated with economic and household hardship for each zip code in DuPage.

Social Determinants of health in DuPage

Community Health Partners

Screen and Intervene Program

Loaves & Fishes is working with service organizations in our community to address food insecurity issues effectively and conveniently. The following information provides a brief description of the recommended protocol for our SCREEN AND INTERVENE community health partners.

  1. Use the Hunger Vital Sign to Identify Food Insecurity
    The “Hunger Vital Sign” is a simplified, two-question screening tool that can be used by agency partners to identify households struggling with food insecurity. The screening questions are included below in both English and Spanish.
    Screening Questions- Food Insecurity
  2. Invite the Client to Visit Loaves & Fishes
    All households served by our community health partners are welcome to visit Loaves & Fishes at 1871 High Grove Lane in Naperville to pick up food during our grocery distribution hours.

Information on Loaves & Fishes Community Services:
Welcome – English  /  Welcome – Spanish

     3. Provide Groceries for your Client
          Using a proxy form, agency representatives can provide pre-packed food boxes to clients with transportation    barriers. Please contact Loaves & Fishes to arrange food pick-ups.

All first-time clients must register with Loaves & Fishes. Use our convenient online registration form: Click here: English
Click here: Spanish 

To shop for your client, please provide a proxy with the client’s signature:
Proxy – English / Proxy – Spanish
Direct requests to: Jane Macdonald




Community Programs

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