From Ron Ory:
Yeah, Team! We were curious how we were doing, at least on the quality, so we entered some of our produce, herbs and perennials in the Naperville Community Gardeners annual Flower and Garden Show. It’s free, so all it took was preparing the materials according to the show guide. We may not have gotten the big prizes, but we won lots of ribbons and Loaves & Fishes still got the produce!
These are our beets, turnips, leeks and potatoes!
Some of the tomatoes and squash we’ve been growing.
Did Jan influence the judges? She was helping as a clerk and got some tips for next year.
We had 51 different entries, some items provided more than one entry. We received ribbons for 47 of the 51. Not bad for the first time and little preparation work. It provides a measure of how well we’re doing and a benchmark for next year, should we want to enter the show.
Published with permission from Loaves & Fishes Community Pantry Source.