Thanks to Bob Fischer, president of the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation, for spreading the word about our Trick-or-Treat for Loaves & Fishes!
Excerpt from The Naperville Sun:
In the spirit of full disclosure, my annual candy forecast is never right. Every year there is more candy than kids. This could be a good thing for laggards to the front porch, because some years the last ones showing up have been known to get a bonus allotment. The downside is that, one of these Halloweens, I might listen to my wife and downsize the expectations. Of course, I would risk the consequences of not answering the doorbell once the cupboard is bare.
Until then, and based on prior experience, I anticipate spending somewhere between $30 and $40 for less-than-healthy high-fructose-corn-syrup-laden goodies with the potential to exacerbate childhood obesity, contribute to poor dental checkups, increase incidents of hyperactivity and promote generally poor nutrition.
If the local kids agree, though, there could be a better alternative.
Loaves and Fishes, our local food pantry, is providing labels to tape onto a water bottle. This label indicates that the kid is collecting coins, not candy, to help feed those in need. Loaves and Fishes tells us that a water bottle filled with dimes will total about $90. Because Loaves and Fishes can buy $10 worth of food (at retail) for every dollar collected, a bottle full of dimes will transform into $900 worth of groceries on the food pantry shelves.
Read full article here.