The Power of Community
The western suburbs of Chicago are increasingly becoming home to low-income families in search of safer neighborhoods, better schools, and affordable housing; yet, they are finding that a lack of employment opportunities and public transit are blocking their path to self-sufficiency. With the help of Loaves & Fishes, these families are connected to the resources… Read more »
Halloween initiative as sweet as candy
Thanks to Bob Fischer, president of the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation, for spreading the word about our Trick-or-Treat for Loaves & Fishes! Excerpt from The Naperville Sun: In the spirit of full disclosure, my annual candy forecast is never right. Every year there is more candy than kids. This could be a good thing for… Read more »
NSA Media Pie Smash for L&F
Interested in smashing a pie in your boss’ face to raise money for Loaves & Fishes? Check out this clip, courtesy of our friends at NSA Media in Downers Grove, who did this exact thing! NSA Media Pie Smash! from Mike Neerhof on Vimeo.