Faith. Family. Focus. with Shafer and Faith Suggs
Loaves & Fishes CEO Mike Havala was a guest on Faith. Family. Focus with former NFL player Shafer Suggs and his daughter, Duke Woman’s Basketball alumni, Faith Suggs. This in-depth interview talks about Mike’s personal journey and the new chapter at Loaves & Fishes. To learn more about Faith. Family. Focus. Visit their Facebook page… Read more »
Moving Toward Let’s Move!
School systems may have many challenges in their attempt to provide a new level of healthy foods to students. That doesn’t surprise me really. It’s only been five years since Michelle Obama began to promote the Let’s Move initiatives, and despite the flack from the school yards, I am glad to see someone finally put… Read more »
The Battle for Employment
What is the true unemployment rate in Illinois? Are you accounted for in the true unemployment number? According to recent reports, the Illinois working-age population has grown by nearly 300,000 since the recession; however the Illinois workforce has shrunk 226,000 over the same period. This indicates there’s a gap of more than 500,000 working-age Illinoisans… Read more »