Posts Tagged: child wellness

Jackson National Takes Action Against Child Hunger

Loaves & Fishes’ Child Nutrition Initiative has been a crucial part of our hunger-relief efforts since 2004, when it was launched to supplement the loss of school-provided lunches for students during the summer months. As the need in our community increased, the initiative expanded in 2005 to provide breakfast foods for students during the school… Read more »

The Return to College Ritual

The summer is passing by way too quickly. It seems like we just moved our daughter’s “stuff” home from college and she is already preparing her list of additional “stuff” to bring back to college! It was easier when her school supply list consisted of 8 markers, 4 glue sticks, 10 No. 2 pencils, 4… Read more »

Moving Toward Let’s Move!

School systems may have many challenges in their attempt to provide a new level of healthy foods to students. That doesn’t surprise me really. It’s only been five years since Michelle Obama began to promote the Let’s Move initiatives, and despite the flack from the school yards, I am glad to see someone finally put… Read more »