A New Beginning
Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your generosity and dedication in 2015; a year that saw significant progress in connecting low-income individuals and families to the resources they need to thrive. Over 4,600 families received assistance over the past year, and, through the Client Engagement Model, we have experienced great success in finding sustainable… Read more »
Finding Solutions that Stick
The Client Engagement Model has been going strong for a little over 90 days now. We have learned a lot about our clients as a result. Poverty has many faces, names, stories and cultural backgrounds, but our clients have so much in common. They want the best for their families, whether they have been struggling… Read more »
Campaign Makes Program Evolution Possible
The Power of Community Campaign was created to help Loaves & Fishes achieve the goals set forth in our strategic plan, including programmatic growth. Thanks to our community’s support to date, Loaves & Fishes is piloting the Client Engagement Model, which will benefit more low-income families by focusing on food, prevention, education and wellness. What… Read more »
Suburban Poverty on the Rise
According to a new report from the U.S. Census Bureau, the official poverty rate decreased between 2012 and 2013; however, the Census Bureau explains that the number in poverty in 2013 was not statistically different from 2012. What does this mean for Americans currently facing financial barriers, though, and more importantly, what can be done… Read more »
How can we stop child hunger?
I have been having trouble with bills and such since I was laid off and Loaves & Fishes has helped me a lot in being able to provide food for my three children. It has been so helpful and everyone is so nice. I am diligently trying to find a job and I would love… Read more »