Posts Tagged: school

The Return to College Ritual

The summer is passing by way too quickly. It seems like we just moved our daughter’s “stuff” home from college and she is already preparing her list of additional “stuff” to bring back to college! It was easier when her school supply list consisted of 8 markers, 4 glue sticks, 10 No. 2 pencils, 4… Read more »

Returning to her Roots


I was delighted to attend the ribbon-cutting on Thursday for the Elmwood Elementary School garden. I had been notified of this event several months ago by Sandy Bell, the organizer of this amazing project, after she had read my blog. Other schools in Naperville have gardens that have been successfully producing vegetables and fruits for… Read more »

How can we stop child hunger?

I have been having trouble with bills and such since I was laid off and Loaves & Fishes has helped me a lot in being able to provide food for my three children. It has been so helpful and everyone is so nice. I am diligently trying to find a job and I would love… Read more »